Last update: 08 February 2008

Project questions or comments?  Please email David Harlow


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Gallery 3

Gallery #1 - fabricating the sinkerline at Poole

Gallery #2 - moving the sinkerline to Bournemouth

Gallery #3 - replenishing the beach (eastwards)

Gallery #4 - replenishing the beach (westwards)

Replenishing the beach (eastwards), 14 December - 05 January

13 December

A mixture of sand & water leaves the dredger's hopper and is pumped through the sinkerline on to the beach

14 December

The dredger Oranje offshore at dawn

14 December

The Oranje delivers a hopper load of sand (between 17,250 - 19,500 tonnes) every 10 hours or so

14 December

Bulldozers level the sand as it comes ashore

14 December

Working on the pipeline in between deliveries of sand

14 December

The need for replenishment; low beach levels expose the base of a groyne

15 December

Day break

15 December

The onshore pipeline

15 December

The first stretch of replenished beach; fine sand is levelled as the project moves on towards Boscombe...

15 December

While replenishment work continues into the next groyne bay

15 December

26 December

Preparing the beach to receive a load of new sand - the 28th

27 December

On schedule, working beyond Boscombe Pier

27 December

A look back along the replenished beach

28 December

Work continues eastward towards Southbourne

02 January 2007

Beach huts, pipes on the prom and preparing for another load of sand

05 January

Demonstrating the difference in width of the new beach



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  © 2005-08 Borough of Poole Leisure Services & partners

Re web content or photos contact: Sarah Austin