Last update: 08 February 2008

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Bournemouth Beach Replenishment (BIS4.2)

The first phase of the Poole Bay replenishment project saw approximately 1.1 million m3 (1.65 million metric tonnes) of material dredged from Poole Harbour and used to replenish beaches at Swanage, Poole & Bournemouth (Hengistbury Head to Southbourne) to protect them from erosion.  For Bournemouth this was beach improvement scheme (BIS) 4.1.

The project continued at Bournemouth beach during the winter of 2006/2007 (BIS4.2), between Boscombe and Alum Chine, using a further 700,000 cu.m. of sand from a Licensed Dredging Area off the Isle of Wight. was carried out by the Fareham-based Westminster Dredging Company with the Dutch dredger Oranje The project team arrived w/c 6th November 2006 to undertake hydrographic and side scan sonar surveys of the sea bed.  The 1,150m sinkerline was fabricated on the beach at Poole and floated offshore on 9th December to its position between the Piers at Boscombe and Bournemouth [map].

The dredger Oranje arrived on 13th December 2006 with a hopper full of sand and immediately started replenishment work.

The beach was first replenished east towards Boscombe Pier & Southbourne. 

Work continued west passed Bournemouth Pier to Alum Chine.  With each visit Oranje delivered between 11,500 and 13,000 cu.m. (between 17,250 and 19,500 metric tonnes*) of sand to the beach. 

BIS4.2 was completed on 23rd January 2007.

Sources of Further Information:

to top of page*The Crown Estate applies a factor of 1.5 to convert cubic metres of sand to metric tonnes.  One metric tonne = 0.984206528 long (British) ton.


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